18 Ara 2009

baslik yok / no title

Bir kac gundur birseyler yaziyorum, Ingilizce'ye cevirmek zor geliyor, siliyorum falan. Olayim bu yani... / For the past couple of days, I am writing some posts, but then getting lazy to translate into English, and delete...
Neler yaptigima gelince, calisiyorum, calismaya calisiyorum. Yani normal dengede gidiyor hayat. Buralara yeniden bahar geldi, guzel oldu. Ben soguk havayi sevmiyorum, ne yapayim. Arizona'dan gecen bunca senenin sonunda da kader beni Kanada'ya falan gonderirse de artik ne diyeyim... / In terms of what I have been doing, well, I have been working or trying to work. So, everything is as usual. In Arizona it is spring again, so it is nice. I do not enjoy the cold weather, what can I do. after living in Arizona so many years, if I end up in Canada, or somewhere else very cold, it will be fate's doing :)

Bu aralar oglen kahvemin icinie bir miktar Bailey's giriyor. Espresso ve Bailey's uyumu cok super, cok seviyorum. Bir de peppermint bark cok super bir cikolata, herkes yesin :) Malum sadece noel zamani var. / Lately, I have been adding Bailey's into my afternoon coffee (well, I am not the one making the coffee, but oh well...) Espresso and Bailey's is a good combo! I like it! I also live peppermint bark, very good chocolate, you should try if you haven't yet...

Masamin ustu makale ve kitaplardan gecilmiyor, toplamam lazim. Artik doktora adayi olduk tabi, daha toplu olmak lazim :) Bir de su postcrossingden gelen kartlarim icin de bir blog falan mu acsam acaba, baskalarinda gorunce cok hosuma gidiyor da useniyorum kartlari scan etmeye falan. Tabi masamin ustunu goremeyen cogunluk simdi kitaplardan kartlara nasil gectigimizi merak edebilir, onlar da masamin uzerinde. Neyse ki masa buyuk :) / My desk is full of books and papers to read, I need to be more organized. Also, I may have a new blog for my postcards form postcrossing. The only problem is I am too lazy to scan the cards. Of course the switch from my messy workspace to postcrossing is not obvious to the majority, who cannot see my desk now. To clarify, those cards are also contributing to the existing mess. At least my desk is very big :)
Bir rivayete gore okul kapanmis, dersler olmayinca pek bir farki da olmuyor tabi. (boyle de hava atarim :) ) Arastirmaya tam gaz devam, azimliyim bu doktora bitecek. Gerci bu aralar doktoranin bitrbilitesinden cok is bulunabilitesi kafami kurcaliyor ama... Yeter artik kardesim, krizler bitsin, okullar para dolsun, herkes is bulsun!!! Katiliyor musunuz? / As the legend says, the school is on a break, but since I don't have classes anymore, I don't seem to notice it really. I continue to research regardless. I am determined to finish my PhD. However, lately my issue is not whether I can finish or not, but instead whether I can get a decent job... I vote for the crisis to end soon, and for the universities to get more money so that they can hire me, and for everyone to find a decent job. Agree?

2 yorum:

  1. Evet katiliyoruz... :) da o bailey's ve kahve kismi beni iki dakikadan beri dusunduruyor. ayip ya :)

  2. Sana ayip olmus gercekten. Ama doya doya Bailey's-kahve icebilecegin gunler geri gelecek, merak etme :)
