Nefret ediyorum bu salak programdan... Hic hatam yokmus gibi calisiyor, ama hatam var!!! Sadece nasil bulacagimi sasirdim. Ben de biraz ara vermeye karar verdim kafayi yemeden... (sanki zaten olmamismis gibi!!!)
I hate this stupid program. The code works as if I have no mistake, but there is one!!! I am just confused how to find it. So, I decided to take a little break before going crazy... (as if it didn't happen already!!!)
Bu her paragrafi yazip-cevirme isi icin iyi bir taktik bulamadim daha. Bir dilden baslayip, o dilde yazasim geliyor, boyle her paragrafi yazip cevirmek garip geliyor. Belki once ne yazacaksam yazip, sonra cevirmem lazim...
I haven't found a nice strategy on "how to write & translate each paragraph" yet. I feel like writing in the same language I started the previous paragraph. It feels weird to change the language for each paragraph, as I do now. May be I need to write the hole thing first, and then translate.
Yatagimin basucu okumak istedigim kitaplarla dolu, oyle cok kitap var ki! Ama malesef zaman yok. Aslinda zaman yok dememek lazim. Ben zamani iyi kullanamiyorum diyelim. Benzer bir okunacaklar listesi de masamin ustunde var. Onlarin onceligi var, malum hoca baskisi :) Ama onlar da yetismiyor :(
My nightstand is full of books that I want to read, so many books! But, unfortunately, no time to read. Well, actually, I should't say no time. Lets call it "I cannot manage my time efficiently". A similar pile of things to read is on my desk. Those have priority, b\c of advisor pressure :) But I cannot read them on time, either :(
Agustosun ortasi gelmis nerdeyse. Yilin yarisi coktan bitmis. Hani yeni yila nasil girersen oyle gecerdi? Ben gayet uyuyarak -daha dogrusu uyuyakalarak- girdim, hani nerde, hic uyuyarak gecmiyor yilim??? ustune bir de uyuyamaz oldum. Aklima geldi birden, lise sonda dersanede bir kac tip vardi, yeni yila test cozerek giren. Kimse calismazmis 31 aralik aksami, onlar calisip herkesin onune gececeklermis!!! Neyse, benden vahim durumda olanlar da var su dunyada :) Ben daha o kadar yemedim kafayi :)
It is almost mid-August. Half of 2009 is long gone. What happened to the saying "whatever you do at midnight on new year's eve, you will do that all year"? I was sleeping -well, felt asleep. But so far, I didn't spend the year sleeping!!! Moreover, I became insomniac (well, not that terrible). I remember some people I knew during the last year of high school. They said that they will study for the uni entrence exam on new year's eve, beacuse noone else would, so they will be ahead of everyone!!! I am glad that there are people worse than me :) I haven't gone that crazy yet :)
Kafayi yemege geri donus zamani...
Time to continue to get crazy(ier)...
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