Hayatta hep olumsuz seyler yok di mi? Arada guzel seyler oldugu da oluyor. Biraz hatirlayip depresif hallerden kurtulmak lazim. Malum bu doktora biter mi, bitse bile is bulunur mu gibi basliklarda ozetlenebilen depresif haller okudugum paperin her 2 cumlesinde bir beni ziyaret ediyor. / Life is not full of difficulties and struggles, right? Sometimes nice things do happen. It is just that sometimes I need to remember these times, and get rid of my depressive mood. I need these because in every two second, I end up thinking what if I cannot finish my PhD, or what if I cannot get a job after, and so on...
Guya guzel seyler yazip mutlu olacaktim. Tabi ki saglik, sevgi, huzur herseyin basi. Onlar bir yana, bakalim son gunlerde nelere mutlu olmusum... / I aim to blog about nice things, but I end up thinking about my problems again. So, let's move on. Of course, the most important things are health, love and so on, but let's focus on what made me happy in these days...
1. Yeni arkadasim penguenli kar kuresi! Aslinda kendisi ailemize katilali 1 ayi gecti ama varligi hala beni cok mutlu ediyor! / My new friend: a pocket-size penguin snowglobe! It has been a while since he(!) joined our family, but he still makes me happy (yes I tend to personalize things)
2. Dun ilk defa 3D bir film izledim imaxde. Cok cok cok guzeldi. Bilin bakalim hangi film? / Last night I watched a 3D movie, in imax. It was excellent. Guess which movie?
3. Bir kisim guzel haberler aldim, burda ne olduklarini yazmak icin daha cok erken. / I got some good news, but it is way too early to talk about them here.
4. Arkadaslarimla birbirimize foto cekip gonderdik, cok eglendim fotolara bakarken. Guzel oldu. Burdan tekrar soyleyeyim, devami gelsin :) / We have been exchanging pictures with some of my friends. Very nice! I have to say it one more time, I want more :)
5. Posta kutumda postcrossingden gelen kartlari bulmak, ya da mektup arkadasimdan gelen zarflari :) / Getting postcards from postcrossing, and letters form my penpal :)
6. Gunesli havalar, Arziona sagolsun :) / Sunny weather, nice side of living in Arizona :)
7. Masamdayken kafami biraz sola cevirince gordugum eski bir monitor vardi, artik yok! Onun yoklugu da mutlu ediyor beni :) / When working at my desk, I had a view of an old computer monitor, but anymore! Sometimes not having something makes you happy :)
8. Espresso-Bailey's karisimi / Espresso-Bailey's combo
9. Yoga / Yoga :)
10. Sacma sapan seylerin fotografini cekmek / Taking random pictures of everything
Sevmedigim seye gelince, simdi okudugum makaleye donmek zorunda olmak. Aslinda sevmedigim sey o degil. Asil sevmedigim, doktora fanusundan cikip gercek dunyaya gidememe ihtimali, ya da gercek dunya da istedigimi bulamama ihtimali. (bu arada gercek dunya da PHD comicsden takildi aklima...) / As for the things I don't like, well, one is the fact that I have to go back to the paper I was reading. Well, actually, it is not really what I don't like. The real thing is the possibility of not being able to finish my PhD and go to the real world, or the possibility of not liking the real world (btw, the "real world" stuck in my mind because of PHD comics.)
Bir postta bu kadar gercekle yuzlesme yeter. Simdi arastirma ile yuzlesme zamani! / Well, it is enough "facing the reality" for one post. Now is the time for the rematch with my research!
Ya biz uc kezdir imax-sold out olayina takiliyoruz :) Sogudum filmden gitmeyecegim.
YanıtlaSilBiter biter doktora merak etme sen arastirmalarina devam et-senin durumunda bunu bana soylediklerinde acayip kil olurdum ama bir bildikleri varmis- Gercek dunya mi dedin? Hmmmm biz seninle bir ara bulusalim bence ama ben bailey's icemem :( ama evde var icmek isteyene servis edilir :))
neymis ki o henuz yazmadıgın guzel haber? merak ettim:)
YanıtlaSilycurl, bulusalim bir ara, baya oldu gorusmeyeli...
YanıtlaSilsebo, konustuk zaten. Haberin guzelligi de tartisilir ya zaten...