Bilmiyorum neden, yazmak geliyor icimden ama yazmaya useniyorum. Hayatin belirsizlikleri ile dolu bir donemdeyim. 2010'un en az ilk yarisi boyle gidecege benzer.
I feel like writing, but I am lazy to do so, I don't know why. My life is full of uncertainties, and it will be so at least for the first half of 2010.
Calismam lazim, azim de var, ama olmuyor. Buyuk bir istek ve sucluluk duygusu karisimi ile oturuyorum masa basina, olmuyor.
I need to work, and I want to, too, but I can't. I sit down to start working feeling both will and guilty, but I can not start.
Orhan Veli'yi biraz degistirerek: Zorluklar Allah'in emri, belirsizlikler olmasaydi...
Changing Orhan Veli's lines a bit: Difficulties in life are commandments, but I wish there were no uncertainties...
(the actual poem says:
"Death is a commandment,
but I wish there were no separations"
These lines are actually anonymous, but Orhan Veli uses them in a poem in quotation marks)
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